believe in dreams.

Thursday, March 19, 2009


17 signs showing that you love someone..

You look at their profile constantly...
When you're on the phone with them late at night and they hang up,
you still miss them even when it was just two minutes ago...
You read their texts and IMs over and over again...
You walk away slow when you're with them
You feel shy whenever they're around...
When you think about them, your heart beats faster,
but slower at the same time...
-10- TEN
You smile when you hear their voice...
-9- NINE
When you look at them, you can't see the other people around you,
you just see him/her...
You start listening to slow songs while thinking about them...
They're all you think about...
-6- SIX
You get high just from their scent...
-5- FIVE
You realise you're always smiling when you're looking at them...
-4- FOUR
You would do anything for them!
While reading this, there was one person in your mind this whole time...
-2- TWO
You were so busy thinking about that person, you didn't notice number twelve was missing..
-1- ONE
You just scrolled up to check & are now silently laughing at yourself...

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Pelik dan hairan cuzen c magic bin ajaib

Alo...saya mengupdate nih...nda pcaya? Susah kn pcaya oh capin mengupdate..hehe. Lau kmu na pcaya, bgus..kmu terer,pasal ane bkan capin.hehe. This is nt apinnn. This is apekk. Or,yg rugd lge..afiq or afiqoo...hehe. Akechi kah,buleh jua. Bh bek th smua nah...hahaha xP.
Ryt nw aku sdang mengerjakn laundry, sasah bju skulah sndri x a aku..huhu,kmu2? Sapa sasahkn? Mama ne mseh~ haha nadawh2. Aku ska bhibun,so dnt take it seriously.hehe. N nw its 10.30. Hmm..aher sdh..p aku nda nantok,pasal tdi udh tdur. Herann...tym aku awl blek n nada clas ptg,tdur ku plg. Tym ada clas ptg..nada ku tdur sdh balek ah. Memang pelik system bdan ku ini. Haha apaknn.
And as u cn see from the list of links on the right of this blog. Ada tu nama ku, i welcome you all to read my bloggie..hehe. *aku jrg update plg to xD
so,crita apa lge? Hm....ah! Cuti nda lge bthh...aku mau cuti..haha. Bru dua minggu lbeh f0m6 freshies start skulah,udh tia kn cuti. Is dat lucky? Well it dpends on each individual.. Utk aku..ianya sdih sdikit kerana kami skalian mungkin sdah boleh pelajari lbih byk jika brmulany sekolah lbeh awl lge...hahahaha,biar tia malay ku standard wa! Aku nada ambel bm wh yth sja2 ber bm standard dsini..hehehe. Aku nda ckp indun mcm c apin. Pin,ko indun haha xD nadawh pinnn. Hehe
hmm...esuk pagi...recess...aku kn bwa urg mkn eh....msti la urg nda kn ambuk! Wawawawawa nadawh..nda cli lawak ku..ktawa sdakah ja kmu xp.
Eh, orait! Laundry alm0st done~
okeh ane th sja dulu. Aku mau crita pasal capin bh ne bnrny p na ku tau pa kn dcrita pasal ea.haha
bh babaai